There's something about Fall that makes me want to cook again. Living in San Diego, it's pretty temperate all year, but has been getting really hot, and I didn't want to use the stove for about 3 months this summer. When it cools off and the breezes and clouds roll in.. that's when I get the urge to light candles and make chili or a stew! Here are some seasonal produce ideas to add in to your Harvest menu.

Apples are pretty much here all year long but of course have their time in the sun in the Fall. In the Northern Hemisphere, they're harvested late summer through fall.
Artichokes produce a second, smaller crop in the fall (the first go-around is in the spring) that tends to yield small-to-medium artichokes.
Arugula is a cool-weather peppery green harvested at different times in different places (winter in warm climates, summer in cool ones), and in many places, during the fall.
Beets are in season in temperate climates from fall through spring, and available from storage most of the year everywhere else. Fresh beets often are sold with their greens still attached.
Belgian Endive Its traditional season (when grown in fields and covered with sand to keep out the light), like that of all chicories, is late fall and winter.
Broccoli can be grown year-round in temperate climates, so we've forgotten it even has a season. In most climates, it is sweeter and less bitter and sharp when harvested in the cooler temperatures of fall.
Rapini (Broccoli Rabe) is a more bitter, leafier vegetable than its cousin, broccoli, but likes similar cool growing conditions.
Brussels Sprouts grow on a stalk, and if you see them for sale that way, snap them up—they'll last quite a bit longer than when they're cut.
Cabbage is bright and crisp when raw and mellows and sweetens the longer it's cooked.
Carrots are harvested year-round in temperate areas. Unusual varieties are harvested during the carrot's natural season, which is late summer and fall. I love getting the dark purple, yellow, orange and white ones.

Cauliflower can be grown, harvested, and sold year-round, but it is by nature a cool -weather crop and at its best in fall and winter and into early spring.
Celery Root is at its best in the cooler months of fall, winter, and early spring (except in cold climates, where you'll find it during the summer and early fall).
Celery is at its best in the fall, with its harvest continuing through winter in warm and temperate climates.
Chiles are best at the end of summer and into fall. Dried chiles are, of course, available year-round.
Cranberries, native to North America, are harvested in New England and the Upper Midwest in the fall.
Frisee (curly endive) is one of my favorites. It's a type of chicory that is at its best in fall and winter.
Escarole is another chicory at its best in fall and winter.
Fennel has a natural season that runs from fall through early spring. I love the anise flavor paired with the spicyness of arugula in salads.
Figs have a short second season in late fall (the first harvest comes in summer) just in time for fall holidays.
Garlic does have a season; fresh garlic is at its plump, sweetest best in late summer and fall.
Grapes (early fall) ripen toward the end of summer when they grow best; the harvest continues into fall.
Green Beans tend to be sweetest and most tender during their natural season, from mid-summer into fall in most regions.
Jerusalem Artichokes/Sunchokes are brown nubs that look a bit like small pieces of fresh ginger. Look for firm tubers with smooth, tan skins in fall and winter.
Kohlrabi (late fall) comes into season by the end of fall but stays at its sweet best into winter.
Key Limes are harvested in semi-tropical and tropical areas in summer and fall.
Mushrooms have different seasons throughout the U.S. Most wild mushrooms other than morels are in season in summer through fall.
Okra (early fall) needs heat to grow, so a nice long, hot summer in warmer climates brings out its best. Look for firm, plump pods in late summer and early fall.
Parsnips look like white carrots and have a great nutty flavor. Look for thinner parsnips, since fatter ones tend to have a thick, woody core you need to cut out.
Pears have a season that runs from mid-summer well into winter, depending on the pear variety and region.
Peppers (early fall)—both sweet and spicy—are harvested in late summer and early fall.
Persimmons are available for a short window in the fall and early winter—look for bright, heavy-feeling fruits.
Pomegranates are in season starting in October and are usually available fresh through December.
Pumpkins are the most common winter squash and come into season in September in most areas.

Quince jellies and desserts are a fall and early-winter favorite.
Radicchio, like all chicories, is sweeter and less bitter when the weather is cool.
Radishes (all types) are so fast-growing that they can be sown several times during the growing season in most climates. Fall marks the end of the season for small red radishes and the beginning of the season for larger daikon-type radishes.
Rutabagas are also known as "yellow turnips" and "Swedes." They are a sweet, nutty root vegetables perfect in stews, roasted, or mashed with plenty of butter.
Shallots are harvested in late summer and into fall and are at their sweetest when fresh.
Tomatillos look like small green tomatoes with a light green papery husk.
Turnips have a sharp but bright and sweet flavor. Look for turnips that feel heavy for their size.
Winter Squashes of all sorts comes into season in early fall and usually last well into winter.
Zucchini has a harvest season from summer into fall in most climates.

Eventually I'll get some recipes up for my seasonal sections! I am also working on making my 18 recipe book for clients as well!
I received my training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and am a National Board Certified Health Coach. I learned about more than one hundred dietary theories and studied a variety of practical lifestyle coaching methods. Drawing on this knowledge, I will help you create a completely personalized “roadmap to health” that suits your unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and goals. Learn more about my training and my unique approach to health coaching on my website or social platforms!
In Health & All the Autumn Goodness,